Have Your Cake & Eat it Too!

As a Mommy of three and wife of 11 years, my daily routine is a whirlwind. In an effort to carve out some "me time" and explore a creative outlet, I have picked up a new hobby. Baking! This blog highlights my journey into baking and chronicles my sporadic adventures.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Green Mint Chocolate Chip Cookies with my Little Helper

My kids spent the day at Wonderland with their Nonna & Zia.  I still had B scheduled to spend the day with me though, so without her playmates, I knew we had to schedule in some baking time!  Lily had been requesting Mint chocolate chip cookies inspired by her Irish friend Briare.  Apparently Braire's Dad makes a mean mint chocolate chip cookie, and they're GREEN.  So we got busy trying to replicate them as a surprise for Lily. 

So we used the typical Chippits recipe and added green food colouring and peppermint extract.  I was especially excited about taking one of my new portion scoops out for it's maiden voyage!

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