Have Your Cake & Eat it Too!

As a Mommy of three and wife of 11 years, my daily routine is a whirlwind. In an effort to carve out some "me time" and explore a creative outlet, I have picked up a new hobby. Baking! This blog highlights my journey into baking and chronicles my sporadic adventures.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Autumn Apple Pie ~ Betty Crocker Cookbook Recipe

I recently bought a big bag of Honey Crisp apples to appease my daughter who heard all about them from her school teacher.  Came home and realized they cost me $20!  Each of the kids ate one and then the rest of them sat in a bowl like a treasure chest filled with gold until I finally decided to make a pie.

Thinly sliced apple, sugar, flour, cinnamon, nutmeg and little butter pieces atop the apple mixture. 
I used a Tenderflake crust because let's face it, I had five kids here!
I had hoped to use my Pampered Chef apple slicer/peeler/corer but my apples were on their last leg and too soft.  I ended up peeling with a knife.

Tossed the apples into the dry ingredient mixture

This is the exact moment that I knew I was going to love this pie.  Amazing aroma.

Added little butter pieces to the top and made my apple stack HUGE.  I know they cook down.

Had to stretch my crust to the max to fit over the apples.  Added tablespoon of water and sprinkled with sugar.

Closeup of my sugar coated crust.

Little ridge of foil helps to prevent burning around the edge of your crust.

Remove the foil for the last 10 minutes or less of cooking.

Crunchy sugar crust goodness!

Some cracking of my crust took place when I tried to lift the hot pie from the cookie sheet it was resting on in the oven (for spillage control).  Oops! 

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